I can honestly say I don't see the big deal. Parents should be monitoring their kids closely and not place the blame on the app! Dating has been going on forever in this game so I really don't see how people are so shocked.
I think people are shocked just for the reason that ata made that relationship button.....and also that it's where the VIP button use to be and on people's profiles, people want it hidden where it's not hidden and it's on the top above your club
I would like the button to be moved, and on my profile I would like my status hidden .-. People don't need to know about my life
What next? Will the battle button be turned into a kiss or rp or love or heart or something along those lines button? Will the battle list be changed into something where you send people love requests only? Wth pimd?! Were you drunk or high when you came up with this idea?