What is Your Dream Job?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. A male stripper.

    It's not coz i dream of it since I was young.. I just realized I'm too sexy.

    I had a deep thought of it. And I finally believe it's my purpose.
  2. Psh.
    I have 3B in the bank
  3. Renz, define sexy lol

    Joe 3b ain't shit??
  4. Well then
    No need for golddiggers
  5. Re: What is Your Dream Job?

    A job that pays bigger than cat cafe would be really nice ?
  6. ️?doesn't have a dream job

    yeah no need for gold diggers
  7. Psychologist or photographer
  8. I wanna be a cop so I can come frisk you ahli 
  9. oh wait this is mike not ahli guess I'll have to Frisk u then 
  10. You might frisk Mike and find his flash light
  11. Psychology states that listening to music, especially instrumentals, can release the same hormones as climaxing during intercourse.
  12.  Hey, hey, woah!!  No frisking my Mr, Holly Poppet 
  13. An accountant
  14. Mike - I thought you owned a shop 
  15. Sexy = renz

    I'm the definition.....
  16. Be a photographer in the Navy or for National Geographic.
  17. Nursing I'm already done with my two year next semester I start taking classes for ER, Trama, and pediatric nursing :)