is 6'2 still the perfect height?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KILLER-ON-THE-LOOSE, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. 5'7 life 
  2. I'm a chick and I'm 5'11". :)
  3. I think 5'9-6'2 is pretty nice for a guy
  4. It depends on the person. It depends on the holder.
  5. 6'2 is pretty good, attractive too. Though I'd have a problem of stiff neck. Lol, I'm 5 flat. :lol:
  6. I'm 5 ft as well...?
  7. Inches ?

    Ideal height is 5'5 ?
  8. Im 5'3" and i like a guy whos is 6' and up so yes it is a great height
  9. 6'0 is fairly tall in the u.s. 5'10 is a average height nowadays
  10. Well an Asian dude (Vietnam) is 6.4 in my class so 

    And too tall people can be super creepy I'd say from 5.8 to 6.4 is not too bad, higher or shorter is ~meh (for dudes of course)
  11. And the proportion of the body is the most important thing.
    A guy with super short legs and long upper body is as creepy as a dude with super long legs and a short upper body 
  12. :p its okay bug im 2 inch taller 6'2, but its not perfect, I would love to be short :( I IS JEALOUS OF SHORT PEOPLE
  13. How would you noobs know if it is, if you've never been 6'2 ?

    I'm 6'3 and I said anything around 6ft is best
  14. ^^ ehm im 6'2 and its not and never will be perfect to me..
  15. Lol that was directed at everyone who is saying other heights the best :lol:
  16. :| I actually wanna be short, I one day might hit my head on the door o.o hurts
  17. Oh I've done that :? Whacked it a good few times on the hanging light
  18. I'm like 5'11? I hope I grow more
  19. If you believe you can bloom, YOU WILL BLOOM!