open farm

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by princessfiona12345678, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. I just wanted to tell you that cashdallas is an open farm he is inactive
  2. ...How About No... 
  3. Gurl, i just saw that boob post on a thread, WHATTA load of guppy crap yo.
  4. Handle ur own
  5. Yey am a boob thanks Spit
  6. cashdallas started the fight first he just becaues i posted a true fact in forum
  7. Say what. Op is an open farm? Sounds good to me:)
  8. "A true fact"

    As opposed to an untrue fact? 
  9. Op is an open farm
    How about that huh
  10. I didn't see your comment commander, she should be open farm 
  11. I'm open farm
    Get at me nubs
  12. Shut up joe?
  13. Who the hell is joe