my pathetically normal teenage life

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *kayleeann2327 (01), Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Yeah. So do you have any suggestions for the story? Your character? Etc. Lol
  2. Hmmm, well, i really suck with stories, hahah  Love reading em, suck to telling em... But for my character..? Hmmm... I would like to get a girlfriend... And if she could be one year younger than me, that would be cool  You can choose when i get her 
  3. And in the story, u can write that we plays a baseball match sometime, and i brakes my leg, and will have to go on crutches a bit 
  4. Omg more more more and can u bring conner into it pweeeeessseeee 
  5. That's actually a good idea Andy! Lol n don't worry, u get a girlfriend soon .
  6. Yeah i'll bring Connor in today:) I'm going to try to update as soon as possible but I'm gone for the afternoon. I'll try to write while i'm away.
  7. YAY CONNER!!! <33
  8. Thanks :D

    Teeeeeeemppppzzzz it's a neeeeeext hype in this ting
  9. And I want a boyfriend Pleez ^.^ If u can fit it in. I think it'd suit y character to have a boyfriend, butnone thts follow her like a lost puppy dog, and is like in aww of her. Like a boy who would do anything do anything for her, worship at her feet. I think it would suit my character because Jess is powerful :D And in that relationship, Shed most definately be powerful :p
  10. So basically, a lucky guy who she likes, but if he were to step out if line she would drop him. ^.^ Feel Free to be Lovey Dovey :D
  11. Hey there Jess..  Hahaha 
  12. Lol 
  13. Aw kay its so good!! 

    And Ry..  hahaha.
  14. Save it for the story ppl! Lol. I'll try updating later tonight. My wifi is going to shut off soon tho /: Well, whenever my mom remembers lol
  15. :O Come on girlie I wanna read!!!! Put that brain into action an update NOW!!!

    . I Order You

  16. I just noticed that the 1st post is in 1st person then I jump to 3rd person. Whoops 
  17. . Update Now

    I Order You

    Come on Girlie! I wanna
