Oh my gosh! Sorry it took so long! My iPod was wack and wouldn't let me on the forums /: but I finally posted and I'll try to post the next chapter later tonight. Again, sorry for the delay!! /:
You will be Jess I wrote this at like 4, but my iPod (as I said) wouldn't let me on forums. You'll be in the next chapter or the chapter after that. I don't know yet, but I have a plan for your character
well...is it too late for a hockey girl? name:Colleen age:15 hair: real:golden brown dyed:reddish brown eyes: dark almost black brown eyes I like hockey cross country pole vaulting soccer (fail) and football (double fail). I'm very shy...love food and dogs. ummm...ask me whatever else on pm
woo! not important but I felt like sharing anyway so I have an irrational fear of thunder storms but i also love them....
Andy says his goodbyes and walks off to class. They had all just received their schedules. Just as the girls were about to seperate, a tornado came through. Well, a tornado with firey red hair and the lipstick to match it. The chick walked in as if she owned the place. Hand on hip, she walked up to the front desk. She placed her designer sunglasses on the top of her head and revealed a pair of fierce, bright green eyes. She took the cherry lollipop out of her mouth and stared down the kid behind the desk. "N-n-name?" the geeky boy asked, his words all caught up in his mouth. "Fitzgerald. Jess Fitzgerald," she said in a sexy voice. Her breasts were practically fallin out of her top; the same as the tongue of the boy who handed over her schedule. Jess took a few steps down the hall and already captivated the male population of the school. Tyler, being Tyler, made his way over to her. "You must be new. I'm Tyler," he said, throwing in a sexy smile. She looked him up and down. She must have found him suitable becuase she smiled back. "Um, do you happen to know where Mr, Sohikian's room is?" she said, sucking on that lollipop. "I have him first," Taylor piped up, "Do you?" Jess looked at Taylor and smirked. "Yeah I do. Can you show me the way?" "Well here, let me see your schedule," Taylor suggested. Jess handed it over. "Oh my gosh. No way! Well, Jess, we have every single class together," Taylor said with a smile. "Do I sence a new friend?" "Yeah, I think you do!" Jess said, this time with a genuine smile. Taylor doesn't know what she did, but from then on, she saw the real Jess Fitzgerald. Time flew by as Taylor and Jess survived each class. Jess just owned the school and Taylor seemed to be getting a lot more attention than normal this year. It was probably from the loss of braces over the summer. She also perfected her makeup. She was like a whole new person! Jess on the other hand must have been just born beautiful. After they're first three classes, Taylor learned that Jess was an army brat. It explained her attitude and why she moved so much. Taylor lead Jess to her normal table at lunch. Already sitting there was Andy and Angie. As soon as the girls sat down though, Zoe and Tyler soon both followed. "Guys, I want you all to meet Jess. She just moved here but she's awesome! She's also an army brat," Taylor explained to them all. A chorus of "Hey Jess" followed. "So Jess, where did you just move from?" Tyler asked. "Well I just moved back from Italy," Jess said with a smile. "That's so cool!" Zoe's exclaimed. "I've always wanted to go there!" "It's pretty awesome." "Well I've got to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back," Taylor announced. Taylor got up and walked to the bathroom. Jess seemed to be fitting in just fine, so she wasn't worried that Zoe would scare her off. She has a very strong personality, but that's what Taylor loved about her. Taylor opened the door to the bathroom and when she did, she could hear soft, muffled sobs coming from inside. As she got closer, she saw that it was Colleen. "Oh my gosh! Colleen! Are you okay?" "You actually know my name?" Colleen asked. Slightly puzzled, Taylor said, "Well of course I do. We had like half our classes together last year!" "Yeah, but no one ever pays attention to me." Colleen barely got that sentence out before she bursted back into tears. Not knowing what to do, Taylor just hugged her. At first, Colleen was stiff, but then she got more comfertable and hugged Taylor back. "Why are you being nice? You're the popular one. You're the pretty one. I'm just, well, me." "Colleen, you are so pretty! You have those mystical, almost black eyes. They're so cool and so pretty. I wish I could just steal them! And your auburn hair is so gorgeous! Don't even hunk for a moment that your not pretty! So tell me, why are you siting on the bathroom floor crying?" Taylor said this with as much compassion as she could. She really did feel bad. Colleen took a deep breath, tying to stop her crying. Then she began to unload it all on Taylor. "I feel so unwanted! No one here ever pays attention to me. Even my friends, the few I have, talk more around me than anything. I'm never invited to do anyhing after school. Even if I was, my mother is so unrationally paranoid about the world that I'm not allowed to do anything! Also, my grandpa just got diagnosed with third stage liver cancer. He was the only person that ever understood me. I would go to him whenever I needed anything and now I'm losing him! Also, my stupid step dad is tryin to take away my baby brother away from our family. He says it's not a 'safe and stable environment for little Trevor'. I'm losing everything around me and it's not even like I have anyone to share it with!" Colleen's sobs were so loud that she could barely understand the last half of her little speach. All she knew was that his was a young, scared little girl that needed her help. "Well Colleen, you know what I have to say to that?" "What?" she choked out. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're losing everything. I'm sorry that you don't feel like anyone cares. I'm sorry. I know that pity is one of the last things that you probably want, so don't think of it as pity, but as apologies from a friend." Taylor said with a smile. "Yes, I said friend. Colleen, I would be honored to have such a strong person be my friend." Taylor got up from her spot on the floor next to Colleen. She put her hand out to help her up and then she hugged her. "Come have lunch with us." "I can't! I look like a mess." "Well, I'll just hav to fix that." Taylor worked her magic with a little bit of makeup. Soon, Colleen looked like the beautiful young lady Taylor knew she was. Taylor lead her back to the table at lunch. "Woah, Colleen? You look amazing girly!" Angie said. Colleen just blushed and whispered thank you to Taylor. She peeked over at Tyler, who was smiling at her, and blushed harder. She smiled back. Just then, the bell rang. They all got up and said they're goodbyes. Taylor hugged Collen and gave her a reassuring smile. After school, Zoe, Angie, Taylor, and Tyler all met up at Andy's convertable. They all jumped in and waited for Andy. "Where is he?" Zoe exclaimed. "I'm here! I'm here! Sorry," Andy said as he took his place behind the wheel. The car ride was the same as normal. The boys talked about their terrible teachers that they hated while the girls talked about random stuff. Today's topic was the back to school party on Friday at Courtney's. "It's going to be sick!" Zoe said just as Taylor got out of the car. "You better not leave me this time for a boy Taylor Marie!" "I won't. I won't. I promise." Taylor yelled behind her as she made her way to the door. She opened it and walked in on Kelly and Ryan making out. "Guys, get a room." Tyler growled as he made his way upstairs. He made it very clear that he was unhappy with the situation. Taylor laughed and smiled at the couple. "Hey big sis. Hey Ryan." She walked over and hugged them both, then took a seat across from them. Kelly looks a lot like Taylor. She has long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Her cute little personality just makes her so much sweeter. She really was the best older sister that Taylor could ever ask for. Ryan, on the other hand, was really tall. He had chocolate brown hair and these electrifying green eyes. Taylor used to think that he had these eyes that could see right through people because he understood everyone. He was really like an older brother to her. Her looked out for her in school, for he was a senior, and always made sure that she was okay. He was also really funny and flirty with her. She and Kelly though the world of him. For some reason though, he rubbed Tyler the wrong way. Tyler never did like him, even when they were younger. They never actually found out why though. "How was school, Munchkin?" Ryan asked. "Good! I made a couple new friends and none of my teachers are too unbearable. But...um...Ry, can I talk to Kell alone for a minute?" "Yeah sure. I was out of here anyway. I'll see you guys later tonight. I'll pick you up around 8 Kell," he said then he walked out the door to his car. "So what's up chica?" Kelly asked her with a smile. "So, Courtney has her party on Friday night. I just wanted to know all your thoughts and stuff about it. I'm not sure I want to go, and you know I'm not exactly the life of the party. I also don't want to just hook up with anyone." "Well," Kelly started, "My advice to you would be this: don't worry! You'll be fine. I know that Zoe, the social butterfly will be there. Hell, even Angie might show up. Just go with the flow. If worse comes to worst, just chill with Zoe for the night. If you can though, try to get with at least one guy! It'll be good for you." Taylor laughed. "Okay. Thanks so much Kell. I just, I don't know. I just didn't think I wanted to go, by Zoe would kill me if I didn't. Thanks. I'll keep that all in mind. Well, I'm going up to start homework. Wish me luck." And with that, Taylor made her way up the stairs to her room. She couldn't wait for Courtney's party. Maybe she'll finally get that boyfriend she's been wanting.
The week flew by until it was finally Friday night. The girls all got dolled up at Zoe's house so that Andy wouldn't have to make too many stops. The convertible had been acting up lately so he didn't want to take any chances. Taylor, Zoe, Jess, and even Colleen and Angie decided to come. Tyler and Andy waited impatiently in Andy's room while the girls hogged the bathroom. Pounding on the door, Andy shouted, "Hurry up or I'm leaving without you guys!". That got the girls to really hurry up because last time, that's exactly what he did. The girls all filed down one by one. They all looked spectacular. Taylor, however, looked exceptionally good that night. Her long blonde hair was placed perfectly upon her shoulders and her eyes shined brighter than the stars. Andy looked at her in amazement. "Wow. Tay you look amazing," he told her. Zoe punched him in the arm. "Stop flirting with my friends!" Zoe shrieked, "She's not even intereted in you." She rolled her eyes at him. Andy winked at Taylor behind Zoe's back and Taylor giggled. Soon, they were all at Courtney's place. Her house was phenominal. It was so big and so perfect. There had to be over twenty rooms in just one wing of the house! It was the perfect place to throw a party. As soon as they got there, they all disperced. All going in seperate directions, the girls promised to meet up back at the front door at midnight. They do this at every party, just to make sure nothing happens to any of them. Zoe took off for the dance floor while Jess went guy shopping. Angie went for the bar and hung out with the bar tender fo a while. Colleen spotted a group of people that she knew and made her way over there. Tyler found his baseball friends and a group of girls and they all made their way to the dance floor. Taylor didn't really know what to do. She saw a couple of people that she knew and she started to make her way over there. As she made her way over there though, she was quickly redirected. She was pinned against he wall and a strong pair of hands kept her there. The electric blue eyes that stared back at her were captivating. She didn't know what to do and she just held her breath. Soon a familiar voice escaped his mouth that was so close to hers. "Hey, Beautiful."
Haha yeah! It's a convertible but I never specified. I'm thinking Corvette. Lol I shall update tomorrow