I need help with my depression

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LupaTheSilverWolf, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Basically if you play this game. You're gonna end up killin yourself ? this is not the place to ask for help even though oddly enough people are actually helping 
  2. If people make me laugh then i'll probably be in a good mood and laugh alot which then makes me happy for the whole day unless someone spoils it :lol:
  3. Definitely physical activity and sunlight helps, sitting out in the sun for an hour a day, with proper sun protection of course! Can ease depression symptoms dramatically. Just accept that it's something lots of people go through...and to be honest getting a thicker skin and laughing at yourself helps dramatically as well.
  4. Cherrys advice is good.
    I laugh at myself all the time and it helps.
    Like the time i sprayed deodorant in my eye.
  5. ^ that makes me swear... Not laugh ?
  6. Get counselling. If that doesn't work ur doctor or gp will refer you to medication, which.. I'm sorry I'm tarnished by the lying ass bs people come to forums with.
    If you had a dangerous case of depression and you did actually see a therapist you'd already be on medication not whining in forums.
  7. Eh someone took my deodrant off me and ran off then dropped it and the top of it fell off so i put it back of and wouldnt spray so i turned the part where the spray comes out towards my face to see why it wasnt working. THEN OF COURSE IT DECIDED TO SPARY RIGHT THRN! And everyone found it hilarious.
  8. They wanted to but I'm under 18 meaning my family would've had to be contacted.
  9. ive had also depression had to spend a week in hospital and weeks of heavy meds seek a good dr ull get better help
  10. No it doesn't ? it's confidentiality ?
  11. If they put you on any thing other than BC and you're under 18 parents have to give permission for you to be on the meds.
  12. Stop playing this game u will do fine
  13. Anyone 16 and over has the right to confidentiality...bro you're full of shit.
  14. You already said you'd seen one.
    You could still see a gp who'd refer you for counselling but what's said in those appts are between you and them. As the code said its confidential.
  15. Wow that's not how it is in New Zealand
  16. Well it's 18 for me.
  17. ? luckily my mother is completely okay with whatever was needed to make me better back when I still I guess required her consent although I don't believe she ever had to give it. It's so long ago though, I really don't remember well.
  18. That's the transition between minor and adult.

    You can still get stuff whilst a minor and under confidentiality
  19. Maybe the reason you feel empty inside is because you're a lesbian. Maybe you Werent meant to be and just need a dick in you. :/
  20. 
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