I need help with my depression

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LupaTheSilverWolf, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Yeah I know there's haters coming on here but please don't start. The last couple weeks there's been this emptiness growing inside me. Today I've been completely out of it. No desire to eat, not wanting to do any of my class work, no desire to do anything. I've started getting the thoughts of everyone being better off if I wasn't around. I need help. Please.
  2. See a therapist.
  3. Omfg Spit lmao
  4. It happens. Find something to do.I personally punch the shit outta a punching bag when I'm feeling the sorta way. It works.
  5. I've seen therapists in the past they don't do anything
  6. Go see someone about it, tell your parents. Go see a therapist? All you're gonna get is trolls on this thread and I doubt that'd help.
  7. First things first - find the unbalance in your life and try to 1) remove your self from the situations that might be bringing you down.

    If this happens to you frequently you should speak to your doctor . There are medications that can also help balance the chemicals in your body that are making you feel this way. Don't be ashamed for asking for help. Everyone needs someone who will just listen...

    Take it easy on your self and start slow and fresh . Make little goals to help improve what's wrong in life at this current time...

    And don't be so hard on your self....
  8. Feel free to talk to me hun. I'm surprised doctors haven't given you any medication to help ease out of it. Trust me, I have my experience. You just need to find something worth living for if that makes sense, a hobby etc. and as mean as it sounds, a part is kinda toughening up and not letting everything get to you.
  9. Well. I was depressed once i self harmed and had thoughts too. I felt as though people hated me because people never really talked to me. And a lot of other shit added to that. But then one day i was thinking and i was like holy shit, i need to change because im like destroying myself. Then i was like slowly starting to talk to people more and i was turning back into myself rather than the depressed me and now im like happy as fuck.

    Now idk why youre depressed but, change yo self.
  10. Toughening up helps too like what bird said lol
  11. I can't really comment on this shit cuz i have NEVER BEEN on the doorsteps of depression and all that crap, but YOLO BREAK A FOOT.
  13. OH MY GOD  SAME
  14. I feel like a freak.
  15. When I look at my old pictures I'm like"I looked so much hotter in that pic.-."
  16. Don't feel like a freak. Let me tell you something.
    I have bipolar disorder. Not some self diagnosed sob story. And I have been embarrassed about it for so long I wouldn't tell my friends, just simply say I have anxiety issues. Which meant a lot of them left me as they couldn't understand my mood swings into deep depression. And I felt like a huge freak. But kinda admitting you have a problem is the first way to resolve it.
  17. I already know I have a problem... Just forget I tried to get help. I'm not good at asking for it. I'm scared to ask for it and when I do I see how alone I really am.
  18. For me just talking to others is what makes me feel better,making others laugh and smile kinda helped me feel better about myself. So maybe you should try just talking to more people in an average way? That's my suggestion aside from medical or mental help.
  19. There are doctors and hotlines for this stuff...

    Personally go get some help and I don't mean help from the forum of a phone game.

    If you don't bother seeking help than its a problem not worth anybody else's time.
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