How to say I love you tl;dr warning Hey I see you've joined me again Sooooo if you've read my other threads up to this point you probably know how this will be, if you haven't...well then welcome to my mind, it's a scary place I know....just remember to breathe and it will all be okay. Now on with the thread! Soooo you're finally ready to say I love you it's okay just breathe we will get through this together. So let's start you know this person feels the same way? Look look I'm not doubting you, but the shrine you were making before kinda makes me believe that maybe...okay okay stop yelling at me I just don't want this to happen. See? I'm just trying to save you from yourself, we can get through this I swear. So anyway, are you planning on telling this person in person? Or planning on telling them through text because well texting can be a pain...and well... Anyway, just make sure okay? Because it can lead to some awkwardness! And we don't want you to cage someone. Remember last time? ?? yeah don't question me on this. So you've finally established that they at least feel the same way, this is great! I'm so proud of you! You didn't even have to resort to the hypnotherapist that you were babbling on about before! Just make sure you're not to complicated You give the appropriate amount of affection That you're not to complicated again That they're actually talking to you...yet again Seriously though, I don't believe people take enough time to tell those they love that they love them. To many things get in the way a lot of the time, life becomes to busy or such. But we should take the time out to appreciate those that make our lives happier, whatever their relationship is to you, friend, lover, mother, whatever. Just as long as they're not that stalker outside your window. Take the time to tell the people you appreciate that you appreciate them, let them know you care. No matter how complicated the situation, because who knows how much life we have left on this earth, and we don't know how much we may cheer up someone's day. To many people forget... When we don't take the time to tell them Life is to short not to take the chances presented to you and the connections. Life is also to short to not tell those you have connections with that you have them...even if it is rather odd... So I challenge you to let those people know, just how much they mean to you today, in hopes maybe it will brighten up someone's day. We all deserve to feel loved. and I love you babe ? you know who you are
I feel sorry for the husbands in that one text If you're wife really doesn't show she loves u so much that you don't say it back and instead ask if she's sick,or needs money,or anything like that....then it's not a relationship id ever want lol
Yeah it's sad Rune, especially when they say they do love their husbands...they just suck at showing it I guess.
as love can mean different things to everyone I do not believe how I personally see the term love to be of any relevance. It also has no relevance on this thread, due to the fact that this thread wasn't about any particular type of love and included all types. ️ To answer you Sorry.