The Hierarchy (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Satans_Crow, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. "Zhar, there is no one keeping an I on my place. If there were, I would have noticed by now."
  2. "You didn't notice that I was standing here. You probably have seen them, but never took notice. These guys are trained better than the Hierarchy. They are probably trained by the king's assassin, Lucas."
  3. "How long are you going to be hiding?"
  4. "With any luck, not much longer."
  5. Yui sighs as she holds back tears.
  6. Lucy sighed. "Zhar!"
  7. Zhar places his hand on Yui's shoulder. "As soon as we finish this mission, we'll be able to be together. Head back home for now, we can't take the chance of anyone noticing us."
  8. (What is this? )
  9. Yui moves Zhar's hand from her shoulder and walks away not saying anything.
  10. (Is this an RP or a Soap Opera? )
  11. (We will now time jump to morning)
  12. (Kid... pm me.)
  13. Zhar waits in the marketplace for Tanya to arrive.
  14. (SHUT UP KATHY!!!)
  15. (Sin, please leave the thread. There will be no arguments like there were with the other RPs)
  16. (Zach... let it go. She has final say in what goes with me)
  17. (You shouldn't let yourself be pushed around.)