Pledge 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_A_-DJ, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Ok so even though we all hate the idea of this new hunt we are still gonna end up doing it so. If you could post how many of each item that dropped per party.? Even probably only 1 type of item will drop per party?that way we have a list and we can just come and look back at it. A lot easier to complete hunt in my opinion?
    Ps:No trolling or complaining this is simply for a list of parties that drop each item
  2. Mags will probably do this too?
  3. Thanks DJ I been waiting on a post like this.....DJ for honor student :-D
  4. @the honor student
  5. I would look sexy in smurf blue 
  6. The color would look awesome on you 
  7. 12cheap beers from all roads lead to beer
  8. Close Encounters drops none ?
  9. Is the other hunt over?  i just got some cootie shits
  10. Idk 
  11. How they gone start another hunt before this one over :-\
  12. Hate the idea of a hunt but still going to do it.
  13. Noodle Express Pro drops...nothing.