
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LadyRinganese, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. ?who is a fan of YUGIOH
  2. What's this? Sounds like Yoshi
  3. I am!!!!! 
  4. SIS 
  5. Wftyoshi????
  6. Didn't know it was still a thing lol
  7. come on!!!!! Yugioh is the best
  8. *cough* NERDS *cough* :roll:
    Was a too subtle? 
  9. yes I am a nerd
  10.  of course ️
  11. Sis why aren't you in my new club? :(
  12. u made a new club?
  13. u didn't tell me
  14.  only got 4 ppl