personality tests 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IMPOSTER_CatfishCherryTomato, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Suck my ass

  2. I'm an ISTP, and yes, it fits me to a T. There's so much I could post about it, but I'm too lazy to upload it all.

    We're known to keep everything in until we burst, and then we're a loose cannon until we calm down.
  3. -Nose-
    please leave my thread for posting off topic nonsensical things
  4. Think mine fits me pretty well too.. I'd never heard of this personality test before this thread either ?
  5. I'm intj and that does fit me perfectly
  6. Mines came out as: YOLO.

    FITS me purrrfect
  7. I did it and the result was INTJ
    What is that? o_O
  8. Enfp.. they said im diplomatic
  9. I'm ENFP too, seems to be the most prevalent here in PIMD  even though they claim it's only 7% of the population..

    I agree with the description too 
  10. I'm an ENFJ. I was reading what's behind those letters but I got lazy as it's too long  but most of what I've seen there is true. Few ENFJ's are Obama, Oprah and Beckham 
  11. Intg and is soo true.
  12. ? Only ENFP famous person I remember was Robin Williams, and that was a big wow for me, for reasons 
  13. A famous INTJ is Arnold Schwarzenegger..... AWESOME!
  14. ESTP. dont know whats that mean. :geek:
  15. Who is my zharmony match???
  16. I don't think anyone got the same as I did.
  17. I'm INFJ and boyfriend is INTJ. 