
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TAKE--lT--EZ, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. What does gpa stand for
  2. COME ON PEOPLE!  don't make forums die.  post some riddles!  lets get this going 
  3. @Op.
    This kid.
  4. Firstly I'm English don't call me a shank u pathetic little fail troll

    Agrees people will copy or recycle ideas it's very rare original ones are posted just hopes it's something everyone accepts

    Lastly grow up its a 17+game yet most of you act like little children being petty little tell tales seriously it's just making these forums even less desirable
  5. Skank* see even my auto correct wouldn't let me type the word
  6.  your autocorrect is very polite
  7. Rina, you technically copied off someone else as well, since your wasnt the first of its kind. Js.
  8.  it wasn't the fact he had the same idea, I'm fine with that. It's that his sentence was practically the same as mine was.
  9. I'm just waiting for a movie quote. I've seen em all
  10. Yeah I just saw that. Lol

    Oh well
  11. Welcome Rina and thanx for calling me sweet!
  12. Game #1
    (ANIMATED MOVIE)(Famous Line)
    "Introducing the double decker couch, so everyone could watch tv together and be buddies"-
  13. Emit/Emet From the lego movie ^_^
  14. rina dnt be sooo buthurt u already a copycat and copied old threads of riddles and game
  15. there was a thread several weeks ago that said riddle me or such was abt riddle js
  16. Y does everyone say suck my ass and yes I accept