[NEW GIFTS] From outer space

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Cool.. Send me gifts 
  2. why is the word tardy being censored can you pimd fix this
  3. ? send me a baby carroot
  4. I am carroot... 
  5. I would like these gifts ?
  6. Carrot so cute ?? I HAVE 1 of each
  7. Send me baby carrot
  8. Baby Carroot is so cute... :lol:
  9. Lol
    "T4rd" in t4rdy box is censored
  10. Cool gifts.
  11. Love the baby carrot lol
  12. Not cute at all
  13. It actually looks weird
  14. We can't say tardy box in wc  good name choice 
  15. Really? Doctor Who reference?