best status ever

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The_cat_who_moos_duck_noises, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. I'd like to say that my status is the best and that no one can best it. Very simple and yet, so humorous.

    There are many statuses out there but my status is special because without it, I am nothing. And without me, that status means nothing.

    That's how my status is. Go ahead and look at it. If you do, I'll reward you with some bacon.
  2.  i hate you
  3. :eek: lie to mousy about bacon?!
    :| what's wrong with you?
  4. Yeah mine is better  and is actually true
  5. nah mines better
  6. You jerk you better get me bacon worst status ever!
  7. I looked at your status before I read off of the thread. Sooo it took me a minute 
  8. What a dick

    I actually have the best
  9. DWMAParty ClubNEW CLUB Come&Grow Your Stats