Especially in Forums

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Sometimes…

    …we need a little butthurt cream around.

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    Devs gotta make a giftable item out of the popcorn.
    *wink wink hint hint*
  2. Butthurt is strong here ?
     Demand the popcorn! C'mon devs y'all can do that. 

    Great job 
  3. WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?! ?????
    My butt is Sooo not hurt.. 
  4. Popcorn for a good 50,000. Sounds good.
  5. Ooh, popcorn...*produces popcorn from outta nowhere and starts eating it*
  6. ahahaha love it!
  7.  i know someone who can use that lmaoo
  8. Lmfao that last picture had me dying
  9. 
  10. Bump for awesomeness :lol:
  11. :lol: Another great one.
  12. Butt hurt....the struggle is real :lol:
  13. Brilliant! 