Cooties Count

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheSavageKing, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Has the best 
  2. 81 girl

    79 boys
  3. 356 girl cooties
    357 boy cooties
  4. Anyone with 1000 now?
  5. If ya dont want to see bad grammar autocorrect then get out of the forums
  6. i already have the avi's unlocked
  7. You count my cooties! Who cares! Anyone who does b2b vat party will have the most. Job done
  8. Lol horizontal line is
    Close enough though. :lol:
    Umm I think idk how many definite lone more Boy Cootie, than Girl Cootie.
    ATA, mark my words if I end up with a male avi imma hunt you down!!! ???
  9. 555-girl cooties
    568-Boy cooties