
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DE-Jeff, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. So many may ask.


    Well, the dictionary definition of a pun is : a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings.

    Some examples of puns ,

    A group of fingerprints are known as a whorl-pool.

    A mosquito is a long known skin diver

    Peace out.

    Apologies for BB errors. Still a newbie ?
  2. Oh dang the photo. ?
  3. Ah dang I forgot resizing. I give up.
  4. Justin bro?
  5. How ya doin
  6. My phone doesn't let me type that ?
  7. What that your a noob
  8. Chippy it takes one to understand another. ?
  9. Alright Jussy
  10. Unless your name is Hunter
  11. This threads dead might need to find another xD
  12. Those puns tho?
  13. IKR I'm just like wth is this ?
  14. my new signature ;)