T6LCBC COW! for few days!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed49914, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. You should not report hits here. :p
  2. blunt that's nice to know lol
  3. 5/5/7 f

    You pay well 
  4. <3 Bye BFF Manny!

    Enjoy your PIMD vacation!
  5. Nice pay buddy 146 eat 126 fight. enjoy break
  6. thanks julie :p and lucas im glad i pay good but i dont pay better than catcafe :/ stupid ata lol
  7. Please unload more than half in jobs so that I can farm u easily..am only 1mcs
  8. ?Bored change the way you play?I find farming actives n hitting bl much more fun then partying?And when i have enough to ug it will feel bettter knowing i made my money the old school way?
  9. so many emoji
  10. Plz follow back manny 
  11. wow soooo many ppl msged me n said they did not hit a t6lcbc yet and wanna hit me and see how much the pay!! wow
  12. Buddy, I remember when we used to get so excited over forum post like these
  13. double pay! i guess i became cow at correct time lol
  14. ppl say im bettet than cc now lol
  15. i will be cow for 24hrs till this pvp promo gets over! enjoy hitting me n i will dn :)
  16. If only I was intel build
  17. Manny  what's your regen time