I agree with op. Two things are enraging. 1. ATA doesn't address any complaints. That's fine, I guess they don't have too 2. They openly ask us in forums to tell them what features we want added to the game, and then give us nothing. Took two years for android to see drops. Oh well, I play on iPhone 5c
Seriously ata should just hold a poll before each hunt asking what we would prefer the stats to be on the avis...like seriously it's not hard to see people either want str heavy/Intel heavy or they Dont care either way give us slanted avi stats this balanced crap is garbage. That said....I'm glad I didn't lose sleep trying for the 50% this time
BumpATA just kick back and let the money roll in. They really need to get their act together as the game is falling apart
The issue that we're always going to have with wars now is the constant, never ending hunts/events. You can spend ages trying to organise a war, then ata blow it out the water by their weekly hunt and everyone decides not to join because they want a shot at whatever they're offering this time. If hunts were an occasional thing then people might enjoy them, now it's just 'oh god, another one'. They couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery ?
Sadly, as much as they complain about the hunts and avatars, they'll do the next one all "im so excited for the items and avatars!!" And the same shit repeats over and over.
i loved the hunt i dont rp and the hunt was amazing another splendid job done by my bae pimd here is another example of ppl who dnt wana embrace the change and thank ata for being awesome but rather RANT and WHINE dnot like the game cool bah bah bye stop making threads of whine anger and hatred let us enjoy the game and again if u dont like it adios amigo sho sho bye bye