So first off. I want to honor all those who died that day and followed afterwards when our troops were sent out. My step dad included who was deployed twice Anyways. Simple questions: Where were you when it happened? How old were you? What do you remember? For me. I was living in Texas and I was 8 years old. I came home from school and saw my mother watching the news. At first we thought it was a movie but the scene kept playing over and over again. I remember my mother crying. Biz approves this message Apologize in advance for any bb code fails
Shout out to -_A_-Justin. It's his birthday today. Make sure to stop by his thread to give birthday wish and perhaps a gift
8th grade, I remember watching the two twin towers getting hit while getting ready for school, then while I was in art class over the intercom they announced that both had collapsed and we say in silence and in shock. I'll never forget that day, or the feelings it gave me, or seeing those airplanes fly into buildings, I hope I never see anything like it again.
I was 8 and I was in school, my school got locked down and we couldn't leave till our parents came to get us
I was still very little so I don't remember much, but I do remember that we had the news playing all night and that at that time we had a family friend who worked in one of the buildings. He was lucky enough to have stepped out of the building before the attack.
This is a great thread. More then ten years ago but seems like it was yesterday. I was in fifth grade. Around 8-9am. My teacher mrs. Wilhelm.. Me and my brother had English together. (Twins) getting ready to have a cake. Girl comes in.. Have you seen the news?! Mind you I live about 10 minutes outside the city.. No idea what's going on. We are rushed to buses. Sent home immediately. Later on through the day my parents have the news on constantly checking. My aunt worked in the top floor of the second tower. Ten minutes out from the city... Still smoke all over our town. I was young but still remember so much. Talk about luck my aunt quit not even two days before the incident.... This day will always be remembered in my heart.
I was 11. Day off of school, getting ready with one of my girlfriends to go to swim practice, until our coach called us and said it was cancelled and to watch the news. It terrified me so much I didn't leave her house for a week coz I thought it was gonna happen again. Everyone was sent home from work. Being a New Yorker, this day holds a special place in my heart. May we never forget
I was in algebra class. Someone came in saying that planes had hit the towers. By the time my teacher got a TV and turned on the news one had collapsed. Most of the class was either in shock or crying. One of the girls was panicked because her father was flying to NY that day. It was confusing then scary when everyone realized it wasn't an accident. We were let out early and spent the rest of the day watching the news in shock as the rest unfolded. There's a feeling of helplessness I won't forget, even donating wasn't enough. Seeing all the pictures of missing people, I wished I could do something. I'm from Rhode Island and even here, most people you talk to knows someone who knows someone that was affected in some way by this.
That was when I was really, really little so I never knew what was going on. Also I was in China at the time
I dont remember what grade i was in but my school was right across from the city you could see the towers and i have adhd so i couldnt pay attention for long at that time so i always stared out the window and seen the plane hit the first tower then my mom ran to get me and my brother since we where in the same school and my best friends mom was in there and so was my aunt and my dad was nearby a few blocks away i remember the smell lasted for weeks in the air R.I.P to all of those we lost
1st grade, an announcement came on to turn all the classroom tv's on. Then another one saying that school is off today, of course being in first grade it was pretty cool getting our only hours after we got to school. I didn't really understand until my mom really explained it to me when we got home.
I was in school, first grade ...6yrs old Remember seeing the video in the cafeteria With the planes hitting the twin towers, collapsing and everything. Can never forget. A lot went on.
I was 15 at the time.. My mum came running into my room at 5:30am to tell me what had happened.. (Would've been 2:30pm NY time). She said she'd woken up in the middle of the night, saw it on the TV, and thought it was a movie. We watched it together for hours, then she took me to school, where everyone was really nervous and upset. My science class was supposed to go to Questacon (a fun science place), but the trip was cancelled, because it was too close to the US embassy. The next day, Mum had packed up our whole house, and we moved back to my home town. She was so scared that our Parliament House was going to be bombed It was a really scary time for us too, even though we're on the other side of the world. Can't imagine how terrifying it would've been for Americans
I was watching aomething on 9/11 the other day. I got proper choked up. Respect to those who suffered <3