9-11 USA

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -SIN-WfPk-_OG-Jones-, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. 9-11 is soon so I think we should have a special or something to show respect to the 9-11 family like 1 day party were u collect like something idk just a idea tell me some ideas or what u think
  2. Who the fuck parties on 9-11?
  3. We could do a award thing like if you donate to the 9-11 victims
  4. agreed thanks for not being so negative
  5. It would be awesome if their were items you could buy for today. I've never bought anything here but I would buy that.
  6. Maybe you could honor the deaths in real life instead of on a game.
  7. An award for donation is a good idea a special party is bs
  8. Who say's we don't rob? All op is saying is why not try to raise a little money for them. Their lives changed forever that dat and that's something not many will EVER understand
  9. Op wants to have a party and collect items.... Go fuck yourself
  10. Op clearly did state a party, soooooo. yeah no support on the party idea at all.
  11. Yea bc a party on one freaking day is really gonna hurt somebody. I didn't hear anyone bitching about the anime parties. At least this has some kind of meaning to it.
  12. It was a terrorist attack on the United States of America, it's not something you celebrate with a fucking party. It's a day to remember those we lost, not to PARTY!
  13. Katie that has got to be the most down right disrespectful comment I ever heard "no one complained about the anime parties" what the hell does that got to do with op wanting a party about thousands of people loosing their lives, not to mention people are still loosing their lives over it across seas!
  14. I don't even know what to say after reading that Katie.
  15. Katie if you where infront of me i would punch you right in your damn face you dumb fuck so many people where impacted on that day and i am one of those people
  16. What about all the schools that gets bombed in the Middle East? I think America should get over it. It's a lot worse in other places 
  17. Someone should make a respect thread for it 