ATTENTION; women who have given birth!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKatelynnAmCastielsWifey, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Walkng helps a lot. I walked so much the day I was due. It helped a lot.! I also rode my bike everyday which helped even more.
    And when you actualy are in labor. Dont scream. Take deep breaths. Screaming only causes things to be worse. Deep breaths help a lot.
  2. I didn't read any of the comments, but walking, nipple stimulation, sex etc. don't work.

    Not too sure about castor oil. My wife wasn't game to try it.

    Go in and speak with your midwife and get them to induce you. They will put prostin gel on your cervix which will soften it and make you start to dilate, then, they can break your water, put you on a drip that will speed up labour. But, they normally wait until you're 2 weeks over your due date to do that. If you really want bubs out, tell your midwife that you can't keep any food down and haven't been able to do so for a few days. They should induce you then.
  3. I've already got a date set for that. I was looking for suggestions to help me because so far, I haven't dilated at all.
  4. Walk,dance, or Swim and eat spicy then sour food. It worked for my best friend and sister in law
  5. Walk up and down the stairs. Just keep walking up and down the stairs. When you think you can't go any longer, walk the flight another 10 times. Great work out, but works like a charm.
  6. Walking and intercourse.
  7. You're 39 & ( 1 week pregnant )

    How the hell do u know your pregnant when u are 1 week? I'm not even sure a first response pregnancy test can detect that o_O
  8. A mother knows... ? I dunno maybe she's just good like that.
  9. I read that wrong I thought that was supposed to be 1 week LOL I was bout to say WTH
  10. I've had 3 nothing worked for me not even meds Dr gave me when they baby is ready it will.come I'm.sorry stay strong I know the struggle
  11. 39 weeks and 1 day. 
  12. Lol u can't know when your 1 week pregnant I didn't even know I was 6 weeks when I went to the hospital 3 months ago.. I'm pregnant and that sounds a bit strange
  13. So many prego people
  14. Ohh ok your 39 weeks and 1 day . congratulations. Are u ready for the big push?
  15. Walking helps a lot!! Something that also works is when you're getting strong contractions drink rasberry tea. I knew someone who was going to have to get induced labor but after lots walking and some rasberry tea she delivered in no time. Best wishes for you!!
  16. Rough roads and spicy food and another but cant post it here . I am 38 and my son is 13 months was 4 days over due
  17. The way it all started by having sex. Theres ingredients in the sperm used to actually inducr labours.

    I wish you the best of luck. I had my son 4yrs ago. Its scary and pain. But all is forgotten once your baby is in your arms. Definiately worth it!
  18. sorry just woken up ignore all the spelling mistakes 
  19. sex, walking, and physical activity. Water also helped significantly.
    Listen to your midwife don't fight it she's a paid professional who generally knows what she's doing.
    Listen to your body and the things it wants to do or feels most comfortable with. Keep carbs at your bedside you will need the energy hit, bananas are awesome but chocolate is amazing.