Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KILLER-ON-THE-LOOSE, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Rumors of isis on the Texas/Mexico border planning a terror ATTACK on America,how true is this?
  2. Won't be able to tell till then
  3. Imma Buy a Ticket :eek:
    To go home to Asia
  4. No clue, probably untrue. Never believe what random people tell you.
  5. This is crazy
  6. Obama supplied them. They tried to feed us those fake decspitstion videos. ... They want Isis to be our boogeyman.
  7. Illuminati baby!
  8. This is what they call false flag terrorism people
  9. Barcode do you not know how real ISS is? Are you that blind?
  10. Dont worry, ata wont let them in without a cat.
  11. They stole 11 planes if I'm correct
  12. I personally don't care if they invade,as long as they stay out of abilene Texas
  13. If they gang up with the Sinaloa Cartel...
  14. It'll be sad if this does happen and it is known PimD had more knowledge than the dept. of defense ?
  15. Yea....Mexican drug cartel scares me more than Isis...
  16. cartel lol
  17. You idiots realize Texas is a pro gun state. There have been threats of them crossing in to Yuma, Arizona. Arizona is as pro gun as states come. They cross our boarders, it'll be the biggest mistakes of they're lives.
  18. ^If they're on foot. The hijacked planes.
  19. Educate yourselves. Do research. I wouldn't rely on media at all. They will only tell you what they want you to know. Question everything 