met my girlfriends ex at H.e.B

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KILLER-ON-THE-LOOSE, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Guess some of you guys fall short in your manhood
  2. Is this for real?
  3. this kid is just.... Sigh. You can't argue with stupidity.
  4. Shush op, il shank ya nan
  5. Was he being a little racist with that amigo comment?

    Also, perhaps you should, hm I don't know, be less of an ass?

    Just a thought.
  6. Are you calling Hispanics little brown garden gnomes? Did I read that right? 
  7. 
  8. All he is is an ignorant, racist, English-challenged little kid.
  9. @MightyYena How could he be being a little racist by saying amigos? Lmao

    Change name to MightyDumbass
  10. Im not being racist i am also hispanic,but im 6'2
  11. Kill this forum.
  12. I'm sure he did tell his amigos. They are probably having a good laugh too.

    Sorry that I can't put my tone of voice via text.

    Now how about you go twerk your chicken ass on stage @MileyCyrus

  13. You sir. Are a damn racistt
  14. Lol did he reset?
  15. My stomach grumbles when it's hungry.
  16. Hes butthurt read my wall lolol
  17. Because of that post on your wall I believe Op requires butthurt cream 
  18. He raged MY WORK IS DONE