if you could choose your death

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HiImKelon, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Not sure. Have the Vocaloid Oliver suffocate me with his bandages-- I mean....Fall asleep forever....?
  2. ....I am an immortal Elf.....in Tolkien's books...:D
  3. Shotgun to the ****. Love that from hot tub time machine
  4. Um i'd wanna die in the shower  wait no i dont want them to find me naked sooo! Um in my sleep 
  5. Death by orgasm LOL
  6. I want a very dramatic death from something exciting for my kids to tell their kids. Why die boring?

    My kids would be like....yeah, good ol' mom died drag racing a boat or something 
  7. Death by Ariana Grande
  8. Death by ruru
    :lol: no
  9. Sex.

    Lots and lots of sex.

    Non stop.

    When I'm older.

    With younger chicks.
  10. Like Cherry
  11. Death by snoo snoo
  12.  I get the reference
  13. I'm older then you jopo 
  14. Be killed by the snuggles bear
  15. I would love to die in a plane crash 

    Please don't ask me why ??
  16. Death by Ariana Grande
  17. Saving another persons life
  18. In my sleep peacefully.
  19. Death by Justin Beiber

  20. Death by snoo snoo ✔