Tutors stolen!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iGoldenEnigma, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. There is someone who just basically stalks my profile and hires my tutors whenever I hire someone. What do I do?
  2. Keep hiring tutors and take the free bumps
  3. That happened me once on my other account
  4. Say thank you for the free money
  5. There's really nothing you can do to stop them except price the tutors so that the person could not afford then.
  6. You are in a rp club that has completed 4 parties in the last month. Why do you need tutors?
  7. Can you tell them to hmu
  8. Tutors help with farming too, and entertainment in tc.
  9. To farm Jelly.

  10. I just hired most of his tuts
    He tried to bribe me with crabs?
    Sorry op,not about dat lyfe
  11. Yea op one thing u dont do is complain on forms just saying! 
  12. ^Forums*

    And he's basically giving you free cash for vollies kinda...I made profit off of me getting strip farmed
  13. Thanks for all the tuts OP 