Death sentences were there so that it would be set as an example, so that no one should repeat the same mistake. Humans are somehow stupid, they did the same mistake. Thus why Death sentences are still there.
Yes. Why? Cause death penalty won't stop people from committing crimes. It'd be better if they suffer than end their life in just a second. But it all depends on the crime.
I only read a few peoples comments, such as Ahlis because she's fucking awesome, but you mentioned the religion thing. Here in America there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, which I think means that religion has no bearing on laws and such. Jesse, you mentioned that it's costly to kill them. It's also costly to keep them in jail for years at a time for them blatantly being messed up in the head. Think about it. They get tv, air conditioning, food, medical services, etc. that costs tax payers. Basically we are paying to house murders and child rapists. Someone mentioned that the person could be innocent, and that is true, but if there is 100% no possible way it was anyone else.. I think the death penalty should still be in effect. Nice thread. I like that I didn't see any trolls when I was skimming through comments but I may have missed them ..
No. The death penalty should be for everyone who commits murder. Eye for an Eye is what I live by. I'm sure that murder rates would decrease.
No but i think they do need to go back to the old days where they just shoot them. $2 in bullets vs couple hundred in injection. Saves money and time and gives a good excuse to shoot someone.
Its been proven that it doesn't decrease the crime rates. So why bother killing more people? Say, they accused a wrong person and he was sentenced to death and later on found out he wasn't the murderer. How would you feel? How would his family feel?
No the it is not up to someone who has never met that particular person ever to make a decision on their life. Only God should be aloud to do that. Everyone should have the option to repent of the things they have done wrong. No matter what. Sin is sin.
Process that exercises the death penalty should be audited and made more efficient. The united states needs a stricter penal system and a more use of the death penalty. They also need to get rid of politicians ruling states like NY and Kalofornia and governors in Chicago from passing their anti gun jibberish laws.
Those having criminal minds doesn't fear death js I love watching crime investigation and sometimes it's just not believable how these people think. However, shouldn't be taken away
To the person who said death penalties doesn't stop the crimes... Come to Singapore. It works so well, whenever we hear the word 'death sentence' we get chills.
Thats why. It would be the court's fault. But why waste another life? Don't you think it would be better to make them suffer at least? Murderers dont care what's up for them after they commit the crime. They dont care about the consequences. Whether it be death penalty or in prison.
Were not just talking about Singapore. Maybe you get chills, what about the others? They won't care if they WANT to commit that crime.
Not really no... Our laws are strict, really. Maybe it's because the laws aren't that strict enough. They represent something of a joke to the people, hence the ignorance to the penalties and punishments.