I was reading about ata and the fact the hunts are cat baced cant coment on passed but ive just joined and ill proberbly not get one pokeball i applied to a open cat and was rejected yep im low stats call me a noob people ur to blame to coz never mind the cat party can hardly be accepted to any party noobs get wrote off no opertunity to take part in a hunt not really not when u actually think about it or am i expected to slam a few hundred dollars on my acc to get to 100kcs or so ..and guys before u say if u dont like it leave i may do so
How about you do jobs and farm to grow first.Certain parties require a certain kcs limit to complete.Why let in a 20kcs to do a pro party knowing it wont help anyone.Im positive your looking a big clubs with high stats.You need to go to clubs who offer help to smaller players not clubs with big stats and nice party records
Takes time until then no hunt so yeah i do jobs and didnt u hear me the is no partys for new people only place u can go is rp clubs or fail clubs so what i said still stands
Go to Party For Stuff theyre rebuilding and Ill tell them let you in. I own it so....no complaints, you grow.
Buy cats yeah spend money so much for a free game ugh im out should of known ppl would just say random rubbish
There are clubs that complete partys and help people grow as you can see in ur thread new players just need to seek them out
Emoji said it best do job and farm people join a club they will help you you do know that other parties do drop the Pokémon just cuz you don't get into a cat party doesn't mean your whole pimd life is over
Isn't there a club dedicated to helping brand new players grow? Not sure of how many others but one that comes to mind is "First Things First".