Discussion in 'Strategy' started by nightsky_2, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. I think ata she re arrange where the disband button is.
  2. Ive never seen clubs get disbanded on their own, usually by owners or admin by accident. Being staff can be stressful. If ata or devs really are disbanding then thats really atrcious and if its a coding error it needs to be fixed right away.
    However to what some other posts have said, it is actually insteresting rebuilding your club whether it is rp or party or war or whatever. Sometimes your club shows itd loyalty that way, its hard work but worth it sometimes, some clubs get even stronger. And its a fun challenge to get to where it was if you have that mind set. I know it must be frustrating otherwise. Sorry about your club
  3. Think the accidental disbandment is exactly what happened ------____-_-___- (did I get your name right? Lol)
  4. Rico what was ya club name…..
  5. Lol your close Kilsumgi?
  6. I'm pretty sure it wasn't accidental disbandment. Why would several clubs do it around the same time? It sucks having to get everything opened up again during a hunt. No one wants to help.
  7. Vector  i blame him
  8. Support I guess can I get some Gifts prefer...Pokeyballs
  9. My club was Party For Stuff B2B and I wasnt even on the app when it disbanded. I knew it did when my other alt which was an admin got the notification. We were in the middle of a party. I had got out of PIMD to check my email when it happened.
  10. Ata should raise the price on clubs then there would not be any 7kcs owners
  11. That would help the mass amounts of clubs but not the fact some good clubs were disbanded with no reasoning behind it. Thats the issue here.
  12. Why do clubs get disbanded for anyway?
  13. Raise the price of a club.
  14. 0.0 clubs were disbanded?
  15. Think of it as an opportunity to see who your loyal members are! If they are loyal to you and their club they'll come back and help you restart.Those can be the people you tryst your club with.You should thank sta
  16. The price of clubs should be upped to either 1B or 2B, in all honesty, its the people who can afford 200m that buy clubs for smaller players who want the club for rp. Raising the price limit might decrease the # of people making clubs for the rpers. Just a thought.
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