Should the death penalty be abolished? This is a discussion thread so feel free too post your thoughts on the above question. And in case anybody doesn't know: Abolished - too put an end to something. Have a great weekend! Please refrain from any personal attacks due to disagreement (if anybody bothers to post at all).
No. Some absolutely deserve it. Like the man that just slashed a five year old's throat in my town. I seriously hope that is on the table.
No! Why the hell would this even be debatable? There is so many people out there that should get death and yet still make only a couple years(not that its all bad i gave someone 250 years) but like he said that guy should get death for what he did to a little girl.
All crimes should be punishable by death. If you do something wrong, you die. With that logic, crime rate should drop. Either the criminals stop committing crimes, or they're dead.
Its debateable because not everybody agrees, Ryan. Although most people on this thread does agree. What other crimes do you think should be punishable?
Seemslegit, that wouldn't be possible. It would essentially be mass murder. Also all crimes may not be morally right, but you can still understand why some people commit them.For example when someone steals food to feed their family.
In extreme cases I believe that the criminal should be revoked of human rights and be put to death. But that's just my opinion. I doubt any of us will agree with each other about this topic, because of how many gray areas and exceptions there are.
Crimes are also considered running a light. So if u run a light because the light changed to fast u should die? Anyways I think the death penalty should STAY to those who are able to KILL and repeatedly KILL AGAIN. Put they ass in a electronic chair then send they ass to the gas chamber or they can add more grossness by stabbing their insides. example if a man/woman is able to chop of someone's head, she is able to get stabbed as many times by the violaters in prison for a punishment. That's just how I feel. Cause people are crazy.
U have young kids killing their parents now over a damn relationship, like damn is the dick or pussy that good that u gotta kill the people who took care of u? Some people aren't as fortunate as others to have all there chromosomes to not be mentally fucked up.