CreepyPasta Verse.... Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Red_Rose_DraGon, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. I think she should break up with lance personally he seems like a douce
  2. Rya the Keeper and CreepyPasta Verse are no longer in the making. Thank you for your understanding
  3. Aw come on! We all loved it! ,_, don't stop! Please?
  4. Awwwwe cmon, i LOVE this story :'(
  5. It... wasnt as good as we thought
  6. :O ITS PERF! XD
  7. Rya, i know so xD i love love love this story
  8. I wont make any promises.... but i'll see what i can do

  9.  that sentence just improved my day
  10. Yes! Please continue!
  11. Guys im not sure Sin can continue this
  12. Chapter 15
    I closed my eyes waiting for what Rya was about to tell me. Instead....
    Rya placed her hand on my head.

    "I don't want you to leave Lance, Melody," she said.

    I let out the breath I had no idea I was holding back.

    "But I won't be your friend," she stated.
    I looked at her with wide eyes and in disbelief. Why? Please tell me why.

    "Because..." she started as if she can read my thoughts, "you already judged me. You knew who I was... But you still judged me, because of Lance's reaction. I can't have a judgemental friend. I'm sorry."

    She got up and walked away. I sat there, in tears.
    Rya... No...
    I cried quietly, until Pen and Pam saw me. They knew why immediately.

    "Melody..." Pam started, sitting next to me, "I'm sorry about Rya."
    "We tried to talk to her, but..." Pen said, squeezing my shoulder, "once Rya makes up her mind, she's fixed solely on that and that alone."

    I started to cry again. I hugged Pen and wept into her shoulder. She just held me and stroked my hair. Lance came walking out with his friends, laughing, but stopped when he saw me. He walked over to me and took Pen's place.

    "Mel... Don't cry..." he said wiping my eyes.
    "I'm sorry..." I stuttered a bit, "but Rya..."
    "Shhh.." he said hugging me.

    I held onto him and wept. I didn't know what to do anymore. I really didn't.

    "Guys... We should be getting home now, " Pam said.
    "Okay...." Lance said releasing me.

    He cupped my face and smiled a little. He kissed me softly, before looking at me.

    "Don't worry..." he said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, "Rya will come back. I promise."

    I just nodded and hugged him. He held me for a while, before letting go.

    "I'll see you around okay? " he asked before getting up.
    "Okay..." I said quietly.

    He kissed me again, before walking away. I sighed and called my dad. He answered on the first ring.
    "Hi daddy. Are you home?" I asked timidly.
    "Yes I am. What's wrong?" he asked.
    "Nothing. Exams are over. Can you come get me?"
    "Sure. See you in a bit."
    "Okay daddy."

    I hung up amd walked to the front of the school and waited for my dad to come get me.
  13. Its too short but that's the best I can do
  14. im so happy you're continuing it!! And it was good!
  15. NOOOOOOOOO dang I was hoping her an lance would break up an her and Rya would be friends again Dangit
  16. Then chapter 16 is your choice for what happens