snitch in my dorm

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pimd_yolt, Sep 1, 2014.

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  1. he kid look buthurt like most ppl on this thread
  2. No wonder u got a broom stuck up ur anus your too grouchy for this game let the other guy report other mods your not really doing a good job hun?
  3. who said i just reported some1 so i am doing good job
  4. Mmmmm not really Hun let someone else do the job ur terrible at it
  5. Your just all talk
  6. check sscx on my wall and check mods wall i reported her and reported ladyringanese 2 days ago if i can bust one person a day its good as u knw im also not 24 hrs here a day i got to snitch also in rl
  7. Omg guys!! I showed the kid yolt's response and this is what I got

    Trust us OP, the fact that your thread gets bumped is public service for everyone else a heck of a lot more than it is for you

    But please, if you wish, continue to dig yourself a deep hole.
  8. Yeah will go with that Hun if it makes you happy remember u only got one life don't waste it
  9. I just asked if u we're really a snitch. How come I was perm silenced bec of that?? BTW, I asked u nicely. Then u told me I was stupid.
  10. How can u make pimd a better community if this is what u are doing?? Is this really snitching?? U silenced me because of JUST ASKING YOU A QUESTION. Is that against pimd rules!?
  11. First of all, op is not a mod so they couldn’t have silenced you, second of all, forums isn’t the place to complain about being silenced, contact to appeal your silence
  12. As a matter of fact, this thread has run its course, locking it up
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