Demon Wars RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -_Blackfire_-, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. (Ace made sense. The twins didnt. So i got bashed in by almost everyone on here and left)
  2. (Listen Sasha. Let me make things clear. When May said they can't die, what did all of you do? Go along with it or start bashing in my baby sister? And what's even sadder is she tried to explain and none of you understood. So you still bashed her in. This is ****ing cyber bullying. A big ass crime. My sister is too damn nice to take this pain. She already has enough problems since I'm not home anymore. So instead of being nice to her, you guys **** her up. Does she deserve that? She changed Ace skills because one of you were nive to tell her. Now who was the one who hurt her by saying otherwise about Romera and Rebellia huh? And so far from what I read on here, all of you hurt her. So all I can say is that you just lost four human characters. So have fun.)
  3. (Cyber bullying why would you call it cyber bullying when we wanted to make some correction? All of us in fan fiction have been here longer than both of you and when someone corrects us, we don't complain we correct what we said. If we say our characters can't die, someone will think it's being op and correct us. The same thing has happened to a lot of us and we don't consider it cyber bullying, we see it as being helped out.)
  4. (I see it as otherwise. Because, I am sure she had explained herself to someone else and if that person doesn't speak up, then its cyber bullying... and this isn't the first place she was bullied ok. And if I offended any of you in anyway I apologize, but really... dont op someone without asking to explain. And I know only one person who asked... and it wasn't you.)
  5. (OK. So are we continuing? *tongue click* OR NAW?)
  6. (Do what you guys do. My sister is already in tears. Doesn't matter anymore)
  7. (Aw. Well that sucks. Sorry about the sis BTW)
  8. Gunner: he ate some food.

    Wes: he walked around.
  9. (Doesn't matter. And for the record, whether or not they are immortal, they can't die. In other words, they habe to be kept alive at all cost because the hold the exrocist power than can enhance other people's power. They weren't immortal. )
  10. (Woah woah woah. I want this drama out of my thread ? that's not cool. I understand what you're saying but I have to agree with Alex. I remember when I just started fan fiction and I was being told by people who had been here for longer to change this or change that. And I listened because they were trying to help me. We weren't trying to bash her and it was our fault she kept being op.)
  11. Wasn't* goddammit ?
  12. (Dont worry about it Sasha. Im not coming back. So there wont be any drama. I apologize for Lanie. She isnt an corporal for nothing.)
  13. ((I came back to check how things are and I'm glad I permanently quit rp XD I give up, more and more who don't accept advice and don't understand the authority the owner of a thread has. Exactly how old are the siblings, because I know one is too underage and isn't allowed to play this game.))
  14. ^
    (Good point there. :| sad that this part of forums Is basically dead. I liked it at first.)
  15. (I shouldn't be here, but would it kill for everyone to participate a little more often? The place is dry rot.)
  16. ((People have different time zones, just saying))
  17. (Anything major happens when I'm asleep (/•0) )
  18. (Sin... you rejoin. You would make it exciting. Not me.)
  19. (Or you should both shut up and try the magical thing called pm. c: Just a tip man.~)