CreepyPasta Verse.... Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Red_Rose_DraGon, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Hulk you are a dork
  2. I Like Turtles
  3. Chapter 13
    Three weeks went by... It was almost May. Everyone was on Easter vacation enjoying themselves, but I wasn't. I was sad. I lost my best friend. Those three weeks were both good and bad. The good being Lance and I are together. The bad being my best friend shutting me out. Ever since that day, Rya had stop talking to me. Stopped sitting with me. She doesn't even look at me anymore. I cried all that time. My dad would always see me sad and when he asked all I would tell him is that everything is okay. Rya and I aren't on good terms. He wouldn't push me in the subject, since it was too sensitive to me. It hurts alot knowing that I had two friends who wouldn't even talk much with me because of Rya. I missed my friends. I want them back.

    The Easter vacation came to an end. School had resumed as normal with just two weeks left before exams. I was so out of it, that I didn't even know when I got to school or when Lance came up behind me.

    "Mel... Babe are you okay?" he asked, clearly worried.
    "Huh?" was what I said, before I saw the concern on his face, "oh! I'm fine."

    He cupped my face. He knew I wasn't fine and he knew exactly why. Then I heard them. I turned and saw Pam, Pen and Rya. Pam and Pen were laughing, but Rya remained stoic. I waved at them. Pam and Pen wavedm but Rya walked away. My eyes
    misted as I watch her leave. She's still mad at me. I shouldn't blame her. I'm mad at myself too. Half the day went by. Teachers just came and left, leaving us to study. I was hopeless. Lance tried and it worked... For a while, but then I went
    blank. Lance had another class to attend and left me alone with the few I had the same class with. I sighed and laid my head down, wanting to cry. Then I heard a loud thump next to my head frightening me. I looked up slowly to see Rya sitting in her old seat. She glared at me.

    "I am not doing this, because I changed my mind to be your friend," she said bluntly, "I'm doing this because you ar helpless."

    I blinked at her, as she picked up the Biology book. She looked at me and scrowled.

    "Don't just stare at me," she scolded, "get your books out. I'm going to help you."

    I blinked again and obeyed. I pulled out my books and Rya got started. We studied for the rest of the day. I was able to learn almost all of the subjects, thanks to Rya. I was happy she was talking to me again, but not as heartfelt happy because we aren't friends again. When bell rang for home time, Rya left first. I sighed as I packed up and walked out with Lance.

    The two weeks, flew by quickly and exams were upon us. Everyone was frightened, but my three best friends. They were ready. I envy that. The first exam was in the morning and we had a second in the evening. I really dreaded it. But I manned up and got ready. The first exam was Biology. We had to wait. Rya sat behind me as Pen sat to my side. I was nervous, but they weren't. The clocked ticked as I got anxious. Then it begun. I read through the paper to only realize that was exactly what Rya taight me. I grinned like a loon and started writing.

    I took all the time I needed until I finished. When I looked up, Rya and Pen had already left. I sighed. I knew they were good, but they can't be that good. I handed in my exam paper and left. I had to be ready for the next one. Same time Pen called me over to where she sat. I walked up to her.

    "Hey... How was it?" she asked.
    "It was ok..." I shrugged, "you?"
    "Too easy," she said plainly.
    "Where's Rya?"
    "In the Library. Getting extra work done."
    "Oh... Okay."

    I should have known she would do that. She's still mad at me. Oh God... What am I going to do? I want my friend back. What am I really going to do?
  4. Since Sin asked... This is audience choice chapter. You can choose what happens next to Melody. PM either me or Sin or comment right on what you want. Thank you

  6. Babe, dun leave me
  7. I wanna hear more about Slenderman..err..Melody's dad lol
  8. Lolz. Did you see the new post?
  9. Nice job.️ I have no preference for what should happen.
  10. Ok Fallen. There is a new post. Hope you like it
  11. The new one isvwhat Rya wrote. Enjoy
  12. Hey guys. Five days a week u guys will get new updates