Rya the Keeper

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Red_Rose_DraGon, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. This story was written by none other than RyaRayne. My sister. So please enjoy. It just a first draft. Enjoy
  2. POV ~Rya~

    All I can feel is pain....
    It hurts....
    I can't feel anything....

    I lay there, strapped to the bed, spread eagle, naked.... And I pain. He violates me. He hurts me. He won't stop. Please... Someone.... Anyone... Make the pain stop.   He licks my neck and bites it hard drawing blood, making me weep with pain as he thrusts his disgusting naked body into mines.  

    "My lovely Rya..." he says as if drunk on his lust for me, "you are by far the better bride."

    I didn't speak. I couldn't speak. I have no words. I was trapped. I wanted to die, but even my soul was trapped. Atleast it is safe and not in his hands.He keeps going, becoming rougher. Going harder. His fingers dig into my hips as he goes faster, reaching his climax. He groaned out as he gave one last thrust and came deep within me. I died... Again. A single tear slips down my cheek. He licks it as if he takes pleasure in my pain. I just stared at him with no emotion. No reaction. He then kisses me, forcing his tongue into my mouth.  

    I hated it. I want him dead, but I can't fight him. He knows my weakness. My greatest pain. He knows how to exploit it. I hate it so much. He slowly pulls out of me, leaving me in pain and bleeding, but never releases me. He smiled that disgusting smile of his. I just stared back coldly.

    "Until next time my bride," he said seductively, in all his glory, before vanishing.

    Only then my restraints evaporated. I curled up on the bed and wept. I was breaking. My heart was breaking. My soul was breaking. Until I heard him.  

    I looked up to see my sweet Piku. So young. So sweet. He loves me. And I love him. I held my hand out for him and he took it before getting into bed with me. My sweet were-kitten boy. I love him so much. He was indeed beautiful. Blonde, soft hair with little bangs falling into his adorable celestial blue eyes. Pale, smooth skin with pink cheeks and his cute golden kitten ears and long white tail. I always like playing with his ears. He makes the cutest giggle. Oh how I love my little Piku. He keeps me from breaking. And he loves me.  

    Despite my nakedness and my pained body, he hugged me and I held him. I wept even more.

    "Don't cry Mistress," he said stroking my hair, "Piku is here. Piku will take care of you. Piku loves you."  

    I smiled at him and kissed his nose. Piku is my everything now, but... This isn't the beginning of my story. I was never this
    way back then, when I had a heart... A soul... A life.  

    No... This is what I have become.
  3. This is Beautiful i almost Cried.....You and Your Sister are AMAZING
  4. Thanks Paige. She's doing chapter 1 right now. So look outvfor it
  5. Chapter 1 - 19th Century. Year 1837
    "Lady Rya!"  

    I cringed as I heard my maid called.  

    "Lady Rya!" she keeps screaming.  

    Oh why can't I be left alone? She screamed my name again. I smirked as I neared the front door of my father's mansion. I won't out! My soul keep screaming. I made it to the door and grabbed the handle, when she caught me.  

    "Lady Rya! I found you!" she yelled, running up to me.  

    I pursed my lips. I really hate this. I want out. Right now. Please me go.  

    "Hello Gretchen," I said to the old woman.  
    Gretchen has been my personal maid since I was born, but I had not once considered her as my maid. I thought of her as my mother. She was there for me when I was ill, sad or just being miserable,  but she was still there for me. But now that I look upon this old, wrinkly, white prune with graying hair and graying eyes, I can still see the woman I loved as my mother.  

    "Oh Gretchen," I groaned, "I can't stay here anymore. I want to see the town and village. I want to see everything."
    "But Lady Rya," she scolded, "your father will not approve."  

    I scoffed at that. Father not approving? Please.  

    "Father is never here to approve anything," I said quietly.
    "But Lady Rya," she sighed, "you are to meet with your betrothed soon."
    "Exactly Gretchen," I sad taking her hands in mines, "I will meeting him in days or maybe months from now and I would never know of the world I live in because of father always keeping me inside the estate. Please Gretchen. I want out."

    Gretchen sighed and looked down at my clothing. I wore a white and blue dress with ruffles and frills. Father had sent it to me, saying that I would look lovely in it. I sighed. With a girl like me growing up in absolute isolation is horrible. Because of that, I had grown up with beauty I did not want. My skin never saw sunlight,  making me ghostly pale, with rosy pink cheeks. My hair was too black and too long as if I had never cut it in sixteen years. And my eyes... My eyes were a brilliant sapphire blue. I hated them. I want nothing with this beauty. It is because of it, can never leave this place.  

    "Rya dear..." Gretchen sighed cupping my cheek, "you are born of noble blood my child... And your mother did not give her life up to have you if are going to be this."
    "But Gretchen..." I whimpered, "I can't live like this. I hate it. I want to be free, even if it is for just a day."

    Gretchen sighed and hugged me.  

    "My sweet Rya..."she said stroking my hair, "you are of an age where you must be wed... And you are prized by many, because you are pure."
    "But Gretchen...." I wept quietly, "I don't even know him."
    "I know...."  

    She held me for a while as I wept,  until she looked at me.
    "Rya, you have atleast two months,  before your father returns," she said, "do you truly wish to see the world?"
    "Yes!" I said, looking at her with pleading eyes, "oh yes."
    "Then come with me," she said taking my hand and pulled me with her.

    I followed her, very curious as to where she was taking me. She led me to the servant's quarters and into her room. She closed the doir and rummaged through her closet. She pulled out a simple dress which was white at the top and brown for the skirt with a dark brown corset laced at the back?

    "A peasant girl's dress?" I asked confused.  

    She gave me a droll stare.  

    "You can't look like noblity when you leave here," said laying down the dress on the bed, "you have to look like a peasant girl, since no one knows who or what Duke Kaspia's daughter look like."  

    I looked at Gretchen dumb struck before a smile found its way onto my face.

    "You are really letting me go?" I asked excited.  

    She nodded and I hugged her, taking her by surprise.  

    "Oh thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed,  hugging her tight.  

    She just laughed and pulled back.  

    "Let's get you ready for the world," she said smiling as she helped me undress.  

    By the time I was ready, it was in the already lunch time. Gretchen helped me leave the prison I called home and let me go on my own. I had promised to return before sun set, but I was too excited to leave. I was amongst the people,  who were busy shopping,  selling and talking. The shops were incredible. I had to visit them all, but there were so many,  I must take more time to enjoy it. I watched children play and sing. I wanted to play too. I ran up to one of the boys who were playing and grabbed their ball. They laughed as I played with them. I laughed too. I was happy. I ended my play with them and continued walking around. I was enjoying it. The smell of bread made my mouth water. I was hungry. I stared at it. I wished I had brought money.  

    "You look hungry..."  

    I turned just in time to seem the most gorgeous man, I had ever seen. He had fair skin with just a hint of dark brown hair on his chin. His hair must be dark brown too because it was covered by a hat. His eyes were a lovely light brown that gleamed in the sunlight and his body was lean and looked as if he had been training it to look extremely built and ready for a fight despite it being covered by peasant clothing.That body was made for many many nights of sweet, sultry...  

    I quickly shook my head discarding all thoughts. But above everything,  he was indeed beautiful. He smiled at me as if he was laughing at me.  

    "Do you find me funny?" I scrowled.
    "No no," he said quickly, "I would never think of you as amusing. I just found you rather... Interesting staring at the bread, like a starving man."  

    I gasped. I couldn't believe he said that. Even though he was beautiful,  he was very rude. I turned on my heel and walked away. I don't even want to be near him for another second. The next thing I knew someone grabbed my hand pulling me to a stop. I turned to see who it was and saw him. I snatched my hand away from him and glared at him.  

    "Stop following me," I said sternly and continued to walk away.  

    He stopped me again. I turned to hit him to find that he was holding up a loaf of bread. I blinked confused.  

    "I apologize for being rude towards my lady," he said softly, "I knew you were hungry and it was my foolishness towards you, that made you angry with me. Accept my apology."  

    I blinked at him, before I let out a giggle. He arched a brow at me.

    "Do I amuse you my lady?" he asked.  

    I shook my head an looked at him.  

    "A simple, "I am sorry" would've been better than your speech good sir," I said grinning.  

    He blushed. Oh my... He looked handsome blushing.  

    "Sorry..." he said rubbing the back of his next, "Can we start over?"
    "Sure," I smiled at him.
    "Hello my lady, my name is Eric."
    "Hello Eric, my name is Sera."  

    I had lied to him. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't risk him knowing who I am. I want to be free and normal like everyone else. No the last heiress to the Kaspia Family fortune. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He held up the bread and offered it to me.  
    "Care to join me Lady Sera?" he asked sweetly.
    "I would love to kind sir Eric," I smiled at him.  

    We both walked away side by side, talking about anything that comes to mind. And I loved it. I want to do this every day, but I am more than content with a few months of freedom.
  6. i love it, rya!

    Want a summary tho

    Just read half of it
  7. Stop being a nose!
  8. Why,
    i love noses

    Nose rp anyone?
  9. Oh Stop it Nose. Lolz
  10. Love it! Wall ne when updated.
  11. I like this! Wall me when updated again?