Demon Wars RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -_Blackfire_-, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Wes: "princess? You trying to make me laugh?"
  2. May laughed. "So... you have no idea she' the Calderian Princess?"
  3. Wes: "I don't care who she is, she can be the ruler of the world or an alien, I just don't care."
  4. May ran a finger over his chest. "Then you won't mind if I open a few wounds on her do you?"
  5. Kesi whistles as the pillar of smoke from the tree rises. Her tune gets carried by the wind as she continues whistling, softly and hauntingly.
  6. Wes: "I just healed her wounds, so do it some other time."
  7. Msy pulled out her guns and smirked. "Too bad. She hasca bounty on her head." She headed for Romera ready to take her out
  8. Wes: he used his freezing fire manipulation power to freeze the guns and both her foots. "I said not now."
  9. May smirked as she swung her arms into a tree and freed her guns. She shot off the ice on her feet and turned to look at him. "You can't stop mre." She took off with speed towards Romera, leaving Wes behind
  10. Wes: he run after her, fire coming out as he turned into his demon form freezing everything behind him.
  11. Kesi sent a fireball at May "he said stop." She growls, stepping away from the tree.
  12. May dodged the fireball, before she saw Romera.
  13. Romera was limping a little
  14. May shot her in her leg.
  15. Romera cried out as she hit the ground clutching her leg
  16. Kesi growls louder "put the gun down before I burn your hand so you can't."
  17. May turned her gun to Kesi. "Why do you care?"
  18. Kesi laughs "I'm a demon and I have more heart than you do. I'm sure you have bounty on your head but you don't see anyof us shooting you helpless."
  19. May laughed. "I have no bounty on my head."
  20. Wes: he saw them and threw a fireball at May.