buying ec and dns for a friend from the nurse can.. example..i will buy 50ec or dns for my friend.. but gifting dns and ec that u alr have.. no.. ppl will just make an alt and burn jobs to get ec and gift it to their main.. lol
Even if people make alts, it's still attracting an influx of new players and accounts thus increasing game support
SUPPORT On the Dn/Ec. No support on the Avi. During hunts one of the main things people do them is to win a avi. It takes hard work to get those things so being able to gift them seems unfair for the people who still enjoy having to work for them.
Now I can build alts! Do jobs then get all the free Dns that come with jobs! Then send to my main, then unlink and repeat the process! Free dns for life
This has been brought up over the years in forums and none of it has ever happened. It would be good to gift certain things as a helpful friend but then again wc would be full of people asking for more things to be gifted to them. Support