Demon Wars RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -_Blackfire_-, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Alice shakes her head. "No. Have him do it." She nods toward Wes. "I won't. It'd be waste of time and wouldn't solve anything. I have something to finish." She walks away and shifts into her demon form, black smoke covering her for a moment.
  2. Neo stands in plain sight aiming for his head.
    "Which way means killing you?"
  3. Jack:

    He sniffs the air. "Is that smoke? Wondering if they're cooking back at camp. They better, I'm hungry." He says to himself.
  4. (I know)

    Ace moved so fast he appeared in the air above them and used black fire to cage them nullifying their powers. He headed for the tent.

    Romera: "Alice please... your my last hope.."
  5. Neo steps towards Wes "Punch my parasol, I can get out."
    She pulls out her little parasol, opening it up.
  6. Alice shakes her head. "I said no. It's time I stopped interfering in the affairs of humans. They are too fragile." Alice sees Ace and frowns. "Dammit."
  7. Ace conjured the same cage around Alice nullifying her powers as well.

    Romera: "no... please..."
  8. (Okay let me ask this, how can Ace dodge an attack that's coming from different directions{as they were on the cracks} and even if Ace is in the air the attack will just combine togethernor can you use Black fire to Nullify others power.)
  9. A light emitted around Cyrus, it gradually got bigger and bigger. He started to growl under his breath.
  10. (Ace isnt a normal human. So.. he sorta can because of his true origins)
  11. Jack:

    He climbs down out of tree and starts back toward camp.
  12. (Time out: "ace isn't a normal human" Elaborate please.)
  13. (I'll kill part of what he had done and say he caged them instead. He'll only have his ninja skills)
  14. Wes: he laughed before walking through the cage. "I control Black fire as well." He appears from behind him and holds his neck down to the ground, a sinister look on his face as the chains started to disappear.
    (You want to Wes true power than screw it, your brought it upon yourself)
  15. Neo growls at Wes "Yeah but are you gonna help me out?"
  16. (Fine. Kill him. I'll kill Romera and Rebellia too since all three are joined)
  17. Jack:

    He spots the fight. "That doesn't look like cooking." He mutters.
  18. (Since the fight began, Wes was trying to use his power to Injure Ace so that he would Leave Them alone but you didn't understand thatI was trying to help out in some way)
  19. (There is a reason why Ace is doing what he is doing to get the twins. Read the bio on him. It pretty much explains it, but its cool. I'll think of something.)
  20. Romera came out of the tent and vanished before reappearing between Ace and Wes