I think all cases need to be treated equally. The reason the Michael Brown case is getting so much media attention is that it has been dealt with horribly by the police and there is a huge racial division in that area. The police not releasing the officer's name, how many times Brown was shot until days later, and placing a curfew, angered citizens. Also the Ferguson cop telling protestors "Bring it all you fucking animals. Bring it" probably didn't sit too well with many people there. Here is a look at Ferguson's 2013 stats for African Americans' Racial profiling data. Ferguson has a 63% black population that makeup: 86% of Police stops 92% of Police searches 93% of All arrests Check out the "Henry Davis" beating from Ferguson in 2009. He was a 52 year old black man arrested because he had the same name as someone else with a warrant. He was beaten badly and then was later charged for bleeding on the four officer's uniforms that beat him. Also the St. Louis County Police Lieutenant (above local police) was fired for racial profiling just last year. His colleagues quoted him as saying "Let's have a black day" and "Let's make the jail cells more colorful." On top of everything, the cops there are using military equipment on civilians which should never occur on any American civilian. Michael Brown acted if he were on drugs and clearly was no model citizen. His own actions likely led to his death, but the people of Ferguson are using the media attention to shine light on the huge underlying racial problems.
@mirrrrrr... the "picture " is statistics.... tl emoji stated more black people were killed by cops than white people. The picture is facts.
Why are there riots after these types of things? Like there were tons of lootings and vandalism. What is the point of that? I understand why they would protest but why do all those other things? It doesn't exactly give the residents there a very good reputation either
Correct, you shoot to kill. You almost never have time to aim for the head, I've always been taught that when you have to shoot someone you aim for the body and shoot until down. The fact that this kid committed multible criminal offenses before being shot including robbery and assault on an officer seems to be passing over some people.
The officer was attacked causing serious physical injury but still tried to arrest the subject. Regardless of being armed or not, deadly force was justified. However, feel free to apply to your local or state law enforcement agency if you think you can do a better job...
Why don't we just not choose sides until a verdict is reached.. I mean, publicity calling for a cops death before you yourself know all the facts is a form a defamation in itself. Maybe the cop was feeling trigger happy, or maybe he really feared for his life, we just don't know at this point.. Whatever happened to "Innocent until Proven Guilty"? Let the jury sort everything out.
Kudos panda... As far as black people being the minority these days is a joke. I live in Michigan now and out here I am the minority... News is so corrupted that I Dont bother watching it these days... Life goes on...
Matt,just stop with the white/black stuff. Racism is still alive so don't pretend like its not. The shooting was just another occurance of a cop that went on an over excessive unnecessary power trip and shot hit. Trayvon martin for instance. Walking around when George Zimmerman shot and killed him after attacking him because he looked suspicious. He had nothing on him but some candy, walking around in a community with a rent-a-cop deciding to try and be a hero. Stick your "facts" where the sun don't shine. The more you talk, the more tempted I am to hit.
my opinion is that maybe if Dylan's family or community protested the way that they did in Ferguson maybe there would be more media attention. Also the the way the Police handled the protestors and the Media, how can you arrest a reporter for reporting a story. That doesn't have anything with race But Human Rights.
The point of the post is that when something happens to an African American there is a big uproar but when the same happens to a white person it is less of a big deal. Why should colour matter and not have the exact same cases treated with the same attention.
It's not about the race. It's about how much of these murders are happening. There are more cases where unarmed black men are killed by cops. It's wrong for any race to brutally murder someone like that. But if you noticed that ever since Zimmerman was found not guilty the rates of whites killing blacks has gone up. Black people do kill any so but lately the most you have seen are Black vs Black with a few exceptions. Everyone that dies deserve the spotlight but the media will use the story that gets them more views.