A new day, a new school. Pixie felt awsome when she got up and showered, a new school, a fresh start. Maybe no-one knew her talent. Anyway she got dressed and pulled on her school uniform, it's looks awfully hiding she thought and she undid a few buttons on her blouse and rolled up her skirt. As she walked downstairs her brother, sammy said she looked beautiful, she replied by blowing a kiss and continued walking. She had breakfast and started a slow stroll to school. ************At school*************** She went to registration and looked around, happy at the looks she was getting off all of the boys and a few wolf whistles. She saw the main group of 'cooler' boys and girls and decided to break the ice, she noticed all the boys checking her out, she introduced herself and they said who they were. Anyway then they got to the hanger-on of the group. He introduced himself as Charles, then ^He said "Can I stick my penis in you?" she got angry and lost all her cool, jabbing her finger in his ribs, sending him into a spasm and sweeping away his feet, they all stared, shocked that a boy had been so effortlessly beaten by a girl in no less than 5 seconds, at that point the alpha-male of the group introduced himself as jake. "Sweet moves sunshine." He said. So the whole group sat together in all the lessons, messing around and annoying the teachers and she was getting on quite well. She got invited to the cinema and obliged letting Jake pay for the whole group. Anyway, they all sat together in like couples, but she noticed Jake had a Swedish tinge to his accent. She thought this was cool, and they watched the Movie. Afterwards jake got a cab and dropped her off at her house, when she got it her brother was propped against the table. "How was lover-boy then?" "Ugh. Sammy he's just a friend" she said, rolling her eyes. "Why did u kiss his cheek then?" "You stalking me, pedo?" and she stormed to her room, slamming the door behind her. She could hear sammy laughing. Jake was just her friend. Right?
Chapter 2. She was in school and Jake and her had somehow managed to be sat on the field, alone. "So, a little birdie tells me your a black belt in karate." He said. She gasped "How do you know that?!?" "Don't worry, I won't tell them" She relaxed a little and rested her head on his chest "Yeah, I am." "as it happens, so am I, do you wanna do some sparring after school? Your place, my place or whatever?" "That would be awesome, I get to kick your ass in front of your family." she said, smiling "I'm sure u won't.... Well I hope not" He laughed. "You wanna go lunch?" He asked. "Yeah." He got up and held out his hand for her. She took it.
*******Jakes house****** God she was knackered, Jake was one he'll of a fighter, mind you, he'd been through some tough times. So they were relaxing on the couch, her head on his chest, his arm around her, etc. etc. "So, did you have fun tonight?" Jake asked. "Of course I did, I never knew you were so good at fighting." She smiled flirtatiously. He smiled back "thanks." He said softly. Man she felt great. He was great. 'Oh snap out of it, u don't love him' she told herself, not believing a single word of it. ^He just sat there, studying her face, when she noticed ^He smiled.