I got mistaken for a woman

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DulcetRENAMED, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Dead
  2. I don't recognize any of you 
  3. Both my tutties are females?
  5. Pedro is a very nice guy. He's friends with Napoleon Dynamite.
  6.  prob cause of your status noob
  7. Ooops, lol
  8. I used to be bc...like 2-3 years ago 
  9. A51 bud? 
  10. I was in G6 and then OFH when G6 went to shit
  11. ? hmmm I might remember you
  12. ?Sure you are Joey
  13. I was always fhdvhdf
  14. I think I remember you ?
  15. omfg
  16.  I'm a man
  17. whatever floats your goat
  18. ? he died. That's not nice pupsie
  19. It probably wasn't a mistake.

    He honestly perceived you as a lil bitch.
  20. I want to remember people