not another rp thread!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Detergent, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Seriously all of the people looking for dirty rp on this game disgust me. You really have no idea who is on the other end of the screen. Do you not care that you could be talking to a child? You get on campus all day and night and post crap like hot guys/girls follow me for dirty rp. You may be 20 or so and the person you are talking to could be 12-50 years old. You don't know. All I'm saying is have some self respect and go out and meet someone if that's what you're looking for.
  2. :lol: rice
  3. You did know that you're role playing as a character in a game? ?
  4. People don't care so long as they can have fun, even the younger generation doesn't care
  5. No support untill i get my booty rp
  6. Lets all moan together

  7. *Pokes Op with a stick and licked the stick*

    *I put gravy on the stick and licked it
    G O O D L Y *
  8. There is a difference between clean role play and dirty role play.
  9. *I snap the stick in half with great pleasure*
  10. You better support Wolfie or else!
  11. Give me the booty rp then
  12. Lmao @hulk. Not sure how a gravy covered stick stuck in detergent would taste but yeah
  13. Completely agree. No one thinks about what they are doing. Cops will be banging down their door and not til then will they realize they've been rping with a 14 year old.
  14. @wolfie I already told you.