Post to get a compliment

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Nose-, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Hmm so I posted a while ago. No response. I'll find compliments elsewhere lol
  2. Ikr? Me too! :(
  3. Y'all

    Nice and shit!
  4. Mandi,

    You Have a Really Nice Name
    which mean, You are Probably
    Really nice and caring in real life
  5. TrueSkillz

    Your Name Says You Have Skill
    that proves that u have talented
    skillz that will be helpful to u in the future.

  6. Me :lol: I don't know you though ๎

  7. EatMyCookie

    Your Name is Delicious

  8. ๎’This is a nice idea