Support but creating a lot of alts and sending a lot of ECs and DNs to their main is so greedy. That will ruin the idea.
Very great idea, I WOULD LOVE IT!!! COMMANDER, ACTIVATE THE MAJOR SUPPORT BUTTON!! *support button activates*
No support. Everybody wants to make the game easier nowadays. Those saving ECs will be out of the market on valuable items. Game inflation
Don't really think there is any way of stopping alt trading because of unfairness to the players that do not have alts, but I guess there could be ways of preventing like needing a certain amount of dorms unlocked to have full access to the feature like they do with the more expensive gifts maybe?
Sorry no support ! Everyone should work hard there are ways to earn and gain things , pimd is filled with enough ppl who beg and scam ! I can't image how annoying cw would be if this goes through :l
No support. There are lots of ways to give someone money for use on this game, let's not create yet another thing for beggars and rpers to fill wc with. Its a generous idea, but no, just no.
I don't support gifting ec or dn because creating a system to avoid alts sending them to their main would be really complicated. I do support avatar sending. And maybe to make it fun, you can send certain things to people if you form an alliance with them or if you're in the same club
I feel like I must be part of a very small group that didn't need this sort of thing. I didn't need hand outs to make it. If I ever got a DV it wad one I traded something for, usually items. I didn't know what a volley was when I got one and I only ever got one. My pupils didn't give me money and I don't DV my tuts. Why does anyone need you to give them notes or ec now? Anything they very in this game they should earn by their time and their wits.