any questions on Autism and being Deaf and Hard of Hearing (

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LelouchViBritannia-rebellion, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. So, as the title says, any questions you hav about it? I'll answer to my best
  2. I promise to answer any questions
  3. Why are you ******?

    (It's the "r" word.)
  4. I'm sorry, I'm not retarded, I'm simply autistic, there's a difference
  5. I am aware of the difference, Syaorass.
    Why do you keep making copy-paste threads like this?
  6. Rude.^ :|
  7. I am so I can answer other peoples questions
  8. I'm deaf and somehow I feel offended by this thread..
  9. As I'm deaf...I'm pretty confident I know everything that I need to know about deafness  anyways some people may not feel confident enough to publicly come forward and talk about their disabilities. It's more of a privacy thing ?
  10. How do deaf people tell if other people are yawning or screaming? And how do deaf people yell? Do they sign more forcefully?
  11. Isn't being deaf and hard to hear the same thing lol fail
  12. No it's not the same thing
  13. Being deaf means you can't hear at all  being hard of hearing means you can still hear a little bit and use hearing aids to aid your hearing
  14. Hard to hear is being able to hear....but it's harder to hear than most people. Deaf is not being able to hear at all. ?
  15. Why do farts smell? the deaf people can enjoy them bada dum dum ching!
  16. Some of these jokes are sickening ? it's not funny! Being hard of hearing or deaf isn't easy. Especially when people mock you  get a grip for goodness sake!
  17. Um excuse me no one answered my questions
  18. Being deaf and being mute are two different things fallen.