Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LorenzGabriel14, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. He is the most helper.My pupil..pls make IamJP a honor student :hi:
  2. My granted craps on your denied!
  3. Crab him and he'll crumble^
  4. But my official [DENIED] sign bashes your silly 'granted' where it should be-In the trash.
  5. LEGOS go home
  6. And most handsome pupil EVER!!!
  7. Support 
  8. 100% full support
  9.  support nyo
    Poh 
  10. Wehh.. Haha SUPPORT 
  11. Forums are English only.

    And there are players who do numerous things to help but don't have honor student such as mags, guides people to support, teaches them how to play, creates creative threads, and more. The role of honor student is to make the community an awesome place. So if all your pupil is doing is teaching you how to play and giving you dvs, he needs to wait in line because many others do the same :p
  12. Just because he is an helpful pupil can make someone become honor student?

    Just asking#
  13.  serious much. He's not asking for it. But yeah. Support