Hey guys, The new avatars are not based on this tv show, lol we hadn't actually even heard of it before this thread. We decided which avatar ideas to go with based on feedback we'd seen from you in the forums, what ideas did well in avatar design contests but didn't quite win, and ideas or ethnicities that were lacking in representation. Funny how we find patterns where there aren't any sometimes. Now to go check out that show....
Yeah I'm sure almost everyone has never heard ofbthat show, cause the name doesn't ring a single bell. :lol: but yeah like pimd said, people suggested diversity and gave suggestions on the feedback thread, idc I love the new avatars
Pimd finally answered a thread? This hasn't happened besides their own in like 3 months atleast.
Maybe as pimd is reading this thread maybe pimd can take some notice of this : 1 new doorms 2 more jobs with maybe kcs bonus items 3 bigger clubs ! Increase to 150-200 costing money to make bigger