when did you first know you were LGBT?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Twizzler, Aug 19, 2014.

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  2. I figured when I was 11 came out when I was 12. Lost a lot of ppl but thought well they're not worth having around but have had a few apologise to me now that everyone is older and more understanding.
  3. Well I was 6 at the time also. But then boys kinda turned me off a bit in middle school so I just dated girls for a while and now they turn Me on again. So I date guys now.
  4. Shes like a light switch off on off on lolz
  5. I'd say I'm bi.but I know I'm attracted to more guys than girls.. Sorry but sex is so much hotter with guys than girls. The face restraints be crazy.. Gay people! Yay. I like this thread. Its virtual awesome sauce :)
  6. ^ Sup, guy that walled me saying "You gay or nahhhh?"

    I'm not.
  7. :|

    I'm Gonna Get Out Now
  8. I fully support the LGBTQA community. It doesn't matter what a person's gender or sex is, it's who they are as a person that truly matters. Would you really want to miss out on someone who could've been perfect for you just because they're the same sex? 

    Oh, and I don't really think labels are necessary, I like people.
  9. How can u b gay at 6
  10. Maybe He was influenced by people around him
  11. Even kids know who they get crushes on and who they don't. He could've had crushes on guys but not be able to say that he was gay because of his she. For me personally, I've always, well for as long as I can remember, found both males and females attractive. It wasn't until sixth grade that I came across the term bisexual and realized "Hey! That's me!" I do label myself as bisexual even though I have a preference for females and hardly ever find and males attractive but  I don't think I've ever heard two bisexuals define bisexuality the same way so
  12. People put too much emphasis on "***"ual orientation. If you're attracted to a person, you're attracted to a person. Their accessories are irrelevant. A majority of people will find someone of the same gender attractive, however not all will act on it. There is a lot of middle area between straight and gay. Many fall in between the 2 extremes. But not all are open to the concept 
  13. We're all going after one thing.  And that's for senpai to notice us.
  14. ^ 
    I found out I am bi at 13 but still more into girls so everyone just sees me as straight, hardly find guys attractive but it's not impossible ?? and for who knows, I never really told anyone unless they ask ?
  15. I'm so scared
  16. A lot of you ppl r describing what pansexuality is and not even knowing it perhaps
  17. I had sex with my pillow once ?then she was wet for a while
  18. Spit, get out of here. Lol, stop trying to be edgy. 
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